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What to pack for a working holiday in NZ?

I will be coming to live in New Zealand next month on a one-year working holiday visa. I'm starting to think about what to pack and looking for some advice. Recently I saw on another forum that a woman had a hard time finding an affordable electric heating pad in NZ, which is random, but it made me wonder if there are any other things that are either difficult to find in NZ or so expensive that it would be worth bringing with me? For example, I have an old pair of Merrill hiking shoes I'm definitely bringing despite the fact that they're bulky because I've heard that some quality brands will cost much more in NZ than in the US. Any surprises on what you could or could not find affordably while living in NZ? Other thoughts?

It's true that things are more expensive in New Zealand, and specifically quality outdoor gear is one of the top issues. Without knowing more about your trip, it's hard to anticipate what items you might want and not be able to easily get. If you're bringing a tent, know that the customs folks will have a look and will give you trouble if there's any dirt. Same goes for hiking boots. For more tips view our guide to working in New Zealand.