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Non-EU married to EU national - can I work only where my spouse lives?

Hey guys, first time posting, hope I'm doing this right, and someone can help me with my situation.

I'm a Brazilian guy, married to an Italian girl (she's also Brazilian) and we'll be moving to Europe soon (we're thinking of Ireland, Portugal or Italy). I'm acquainted with the basics and I know that if she's working or stable in a EU country, then I'm able to get a job etc etc.

The thing is, I'm a musician, and we were thinking of what might happen if I end up in a situation where I need to play a gig (and get paid for it) in , let's say, France, but we're stablished in Portugal. Can I do that? Can I work and get paid in a EU country other than where we're stablished?

I know that I'll be able to do that once I get the Italian nationality, but if I'm not mistaken this will only happen when we complete 5 years of marriage (living somewhere else than Italy), I'm just thinking of the first years.

Thanks in advance!

I believe that the answer is no, your right to work is dependant on your spouse being resident, it is not EU wide until you become an EU national.