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Canadian wanting to move to Spain

Hi everyone!

I've been researching about moving to Spain and the process of doing so, I know they offer 4 types of visas into Spain. The main one i was looking at was the non-lucrative visa which allows you to move there with $30,000 in your bank account but you're not able to work there.

I find that hard to do as I wish to work in Spain if i do move there. Does anyone know the updated process of going through this? I've visited Spain a last year and noticed there were many non Spain residents living and working there.

The only way you can get a visa to work in Spain is to get a job with a company who will sponsor you or find a Spanish spouse. You only tend find these jobs if you are specialist in a certain field that they cannot find within Spain and the EU or perhaps with a Canadian company on secondment. Yes lots of non-Spanish working there but mostly from the EU or Latin/South America who used to be able to get Spanish residency fairly easily. Beside that Spain had awful unemployment one of the highest in Europe so there are limited jobs.