Since 2008, we’ve helped over 66,000 travellers turn their travel dreams into reality. It’s simple really. We’re the one-stop shop for people wanting to head overseas to work & travel.
From the moment you become a Global Traveller, we’re your 24/7 support system. With a team of over 100 across 3 offices around the globe, it’s no wonder we’re one of the highest-rated travel companies in the world, and we’d love to show you why.
Work & Travel
Explore a new country and become a local, whilst getting paid with a seasonal job. Apply for working holidays, au pair, camp, teaching or tutoring jobs around the globe.
See another side of the world as you travel with a purpose, and leave a lasting impact. Join critical projects and causes internationally, from Africa and Asia, Central and South America to Europe and the South Pacific.
Au Pair
Join an international host family and care for children, with living expenses covered.
Get internationally accredited, teach English at a local school, fund your travels further. Our Teach trips give you the chance to take part in a 3-4 week class-based TEFL or TESOL course where you’ll learn how to teach English to foreign students. Popular destinations include: Thailand, Costa Rica, Spain, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan and Argentina.
Join an international firm, gain leading real-world experience, then watch future doors open.
Global Work and Travel Reviews
Are Global Work and Travel a good company to work for? Share your review.
My Global Work and Travel Experience
I’m currently working in Canada and I would recommend Global Work and Travel co to anyone who wants to work abroad and change your life!