5 Reasons to Move to Canada

Canada Lake Louise

A good Brit loves an underdog story. And Canada’s unassuming, laid-back charm has meant it has been often overlooked in favour of big, brash neighbour to the south. But take a moment to appreciate Canada’s charms and we’re sure you’ll be head over heels in no time.

Here are some of the top reasons why you will love living in Canada.

Reason 1: Nature on your doorstep 24/7

Honestly, you’re never more than a few minutes away from the staggering beauty of Canada’s great outdoors. Locals are humble about it, but there’s plenty they’re not bragging about: mountains, lakes, forests and acres and acres of all of it. Few places give you as much fun-filled variety as Canada, a country where you can start your day with a dip in the ocean before hitting the ski slopes that same afternoon.

Reason 2: Instagrammable Destinations

Niagara Falls

Waterfalls? Niagara Falls! Want to hike on a glacier? No problem, in Canada you can. Want to see wild bears roaming the forests? This is the place. Want to try white-water rafting through the rapids of a huge canyon? Sure thing. You want to take a heart-stopping extreme zip-line between two mountains?! You guessed it: Canada’s got it all.

Reason 3: The pancakes are sweet, the people are sweeter

Canadians are fantastic. We’re talking about the nation that produced Justin Trudeau, Dwayne the Rock Johnson and Cher, people. The only thing to rival the sweetness of the people is the maple syrup – pancakes will never be the same again. You can go from one side of Canada across to the other and not encounter a bad guy the whole way.

Reason 4: Cool Cities


The cities in Canada are great. Smaller on scale, bigger on friendliness, you can’t go wrong with these great towns with laid back vibes. Vancouver is the kind of place you can go from indie coffee shops and craft breweries to the mountains or the beach in just one day – how many cities can you say that about? Get stuck into Toronto’s epic food scene, feel a little French on the streets of Montreal and get something unique in Quebec, North America’s only surviving walled city.

Reason 5: Super Safe

For a country that’s literally full of bears, Canada is such a safe place to travel. It regularly scores highly on the safest places to travel in the world lists, and it’s the kind of place you can enjoy an absolutely epic road trip without your mum worrying the whole time. Sit back, relax, and have an absolute blast.

Are you keen to work in North America? There are so many reasons to choose Canada over the USA! Has this article inspire you to want to go? Apply to work in Canada today!