How to Stay Healthy When Living & Working Abroad

Beach destination sign

Trying to stay healthy while working abroad isn’t something most people think about either while they are planning their trip or while they are abroad. It is something that everyone going on to work abroad should do though.

Following a few common sense strategies before and during your experience can ensure that you remain safe and healthy the whole time. It’s important to follow as many of the following tips for the healthiest trip.

Steps for Staying Healthy Prior to your Departure

• Visit your physician for a complete doctors during last few weeks before your departure. Not only will you be able to check the status of your health, but also, you will be able to adjust your current medications if necessary. Ask questions if you have any concerns about current health conditions including high blood pressure, respiratory problems, or cardiac problems.

• Some places to work abroad require specific vaccinations and might require a few weeks before they become 100 percent effective. Some of the vaccinations you should consider getting include Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Varicella, Meningococcal meningitis, Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, and rabies. These are important if you are keen on working in South America, Asia and Africa.

• If you haven’t already gotten the following booster vaccinations: Tetanus, Measles-Mumps-Rubella, and Polio, you should get them before you leave on your vacation.

• Have prescriptions filled and arrange to carry additional medicine just in case you lose some while traveling. Some countries have strict drug regulations so carry your medicine in the original container.
Wear a medical alert bracelet if you have any life threatening diseases.

• Carry a card listing pertinent medical information including doctor name and phone number, current medication, allergies, and insurance numbers.

• Pack a first aid kit to carry with you on your trip. It should include prescriptions, pain medication, antacids, bug repellent, and sunscreen. You can also buy this once abroad, but its always good to be prepared.

• Have dental work completed prior to your departure.

• Check your medical insurance coverage and check on the procedures for medical treatment while abroad.

• If you are going to work in a country where English isn’t the first language, start learning some basic works and phrases. This will make communication easier when living abroad.

Steps for Staying Healthy Whilst Working Overseas

Here are some important tips to follow when arriving overseas:

• Ask locals for advice on good areas to live and where to a avoid.

• Use seatbelts in motor vehicles and helmets for bicycles and motorcycles.

• Avoid crowded transportation as well as driving in unfamiliar areas or driving at night.

• Select meals carefully while traveling, avoiding food served by street vendors, raw foods, ice cubes, crushed ice, and local water.

• Choose heated, steaming meals to avoid bacteria and for extra protection select only pasteurized dairy foods. If you choose to eat raw fruits or vegetables, peel it before eating it.

• Select commercially packaged water to drink.

• Take preventative medicine that has been prescribed for you.

• This is a random tip, but avoid swimming in bodies of fresh water.

• Use bug repellent to avoid mosquito-borne diseases and use bed netting at night to avoid mosquito-borne diseases in prevalent areas.

• Exercise regularly

• Do group activities to make friends – social activities can really help you mental health and make it less likely to feel lonely.

As long as you follow the steps listed above, you should be healthy during and after your trip to work abroad. If you do feel as though you are getting sick, make an appointment to see you a doctor as soon as possible.

Getting sick while you are on vacation isn’t any fun. Lots of tips are included here that show you how you can avoid getting sick while traveling.